Peter Pan


作者:Crosby Chang


出版社:Penerbitan Pelangi Sdn. Bhd.

出版地:Johor Bahru, Malaysia

集叢名:Fiery tales


EISBN:9789830073033 eISBN

分類:歐美文學  英文書  


When he was a child, Peter Pan was lost at sea and saved by the magical creatures of Neverland. Now he returns to Britain after twenty years. Can he really live like any other normal humans? Dark forces of jealousy and greed surround him. Can he escape?

  • To the reader:
  • Prologue
  • CHAPTER 1 The Lost Boy
  • CHAPTER 2 Rite of Passage
  • CHAPTER 3 Crossroads
  • CHAPTER 4 The Gunpowder Plot
  • CHAPTER 5 Wonder Boy
  • CHAPTER 6 It’s a Trap!
  • CHAPTER 7 Turned
  • CHAPTER 8 Invasion
  • CHAPTER 9 Eternity End
  • CHAPTER 10 Slaughter Field
  • CHAPTER 11 Legacy
  • Epilogue